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    With 200 children, adolescents , young and various institutions was performed the VI International Meeting of the Network NNA to Border Salto.

    Participants discussed topics: such as dating violence and domestic, sexual violence, violence in sport , and racial discrimination. The main conclusions and contributions on these topics will be conducted by representatives of Uruguay at the II Pan American Forum of NNA to be held in Brasilia ( in the XXI Pan American Congress of IIN / OAS).

    Is important that for first time the 3 countries managed the integration:

    It was attended by delegations from Uruguay (Chuy, Thirty- Three, Rio Branco, Melo, Aceguá, Rivera, Artigas, Bella Union, Paysandu, Fray Bentos and Carmel, is hosting Salto) Brazil returned to participate Bage and Barra do Quaraí , and teenagers of Colon and Concordia participated in Argentina.

    Accompanying the opening and during the day of the meeting that took place in the Northern Regional UdelaR : Dart Rodriguez (Director of INAU ), Rodrigo Brol ( Departmental Director Salto ) and Miriam Martinez (Director Departmental Rivera)