Resolution CD/RES. 07 (E/03) adopted at the Special Meeting of
the Directing Council that includes a mandate to prepare a
Preliminary Draft Revised Statute of the Inter-American Children’s
The Report of the Director General’s Office (CD/doc.08/04)
including details on the work prepared with the special cooperation
of the Director of the Department of Legal Services of the
Organization of American States;
The report of the ad hoc Committee appointed by this Meeting of
the Directing Council and formed by the delegations of Argentina,
Brazil, Canada, Chile, United States and Uruguay, and supported by
the Director of the Department of Legal Services of the Organization
of American States;
Article 37 in the Current Statutes establishing that amendments
to the Statutes “must be approved by the vote of an absolute
majority of the member states”, and Article 4 in the Basic Agreement
between the Inter-American Children’s Institute and the Organization
of American States providing that “the Institute shall inform the
Permanent Council of the Organization in advance and timely on any
amendment to its Statutes involving changes in the structure,
function and financial basis of the Institute.”
1. To adopt by unanimity the Draft Revised Statute and Rules of
Procedure of the Inter-American Children’s Institute that are
annexed to this Resolution and request the Director General to
submit the Draft Revised Statute for the consideration of the
Permanent Council.
2. To thank the staff of the Inter-American Children’s Institute
for their excellent work, the members of the ad hoc Committee who
prepared the final draft, and most particularly to the Director of
the Department of Legal Services of the Organization of American
States, for his input and remarkable participation.
3. The revised Statute and Rules of Procedure will enter into
force once the observations of the Permanent Council on the Statute
are presented to the Directing Council and subject to any amendment
that the Council may introduce in accordance with such observations.