The call for the nomination of candidates to the position of Director General of
the Inter-American Children’s Institute (CD/doc.11/04);
The report on nominations received by the Secretariat of the Directing Council;
The Statutes and Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Children’s Institute;
That Article 30 in the Statutes of the Inter-American Children’s Institute and
the Internal Regulations on the Election of Authorities of the Directing
Council and the IIN Office provide that every four years the Council will
select a three-candidate list for the position of Director General of the
Inter-American Children’s Institute, who will be appointed by the OAS Secretary
General; the three-candidate list must be elected by the majority of member
That the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uruguay formally
nominated Mr. Alejandro Bonasso Lenguas for a second term of office as Director
General of the Inter-American Children’s Institute;
That the nomination of Mr. Alejandro Bonasso was presented at the 78th Regular
Meeting of the Directing Council and was unanimously supported by the
Delegations to the Directing Council;
That the same situation took place at the Special Meeting of the Directing
Council held in Washing DC in November 2003, where it was decided to include
the issue of the three-candidate list for the position of Director General in
the Agenda of the 79th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council and September
1st, 2004 was established as the deadline for candidate nomination, of which
only two have been received up to this date.
That the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic nominated in due
time Mr. Eduardo Bustelo Graffigna to be part of the three-candidate list for
the position of Director General of the Inter-American Children’s Institute;
That the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uruguay reiterated in
due time the nomination of Mr. Alejandro Bonasso Lenguas for a full term of
office as Director General of the Inter-American Children’s Institute;
The need to establish a three-candidate list for the OAS Secretary General to
appoint the Director General of the Inter-American Children’s Institute for a
four-year term of office;
That the Directing Council, being aware that the integration of a
three-candidate list was not possible, submitted both nominations for the
consideration of the Plenary in order to determine whether they had the
required regulatory support;
That the Directing Council established an ad hoc Vote-counting Committee formed
by the delegations of Honduras, United States and the Dominican Republic;
That the voting on both nominations, with of a quorum formed by 22 delegates of
the OAS member states had the following results:
First count:
- Mr. Alejandro Bonasso Lenguas had 16 votes
- Mr. Eduardo Bustelo Graffigna had 12 votes
- 1 vote was annulled
Second count:
- Mr. Alejandro Bonasso Lenguas had 17 votes
- Mr. Eduardo Bustelo Graffigna had 9 votes
Third count:
- Mr. Alejandro Bonasso Lenguas had 17 votes
- Mr. Eduardo Bustelo Graffigna had 9 votes
That the 18 votes required by the current Rules of Procedure were obtained by
neither candidate;
To present by consensus the two candidates to the position of the Director
General: Mr. Alejandro Bonasso Lenguas and Mr. Eduardo Bustelo Graffigna, as
well as to inform through the President of the Directing Council, on the
results obtained by each candidate nominated for the position of Director
General of the Inter-American Children’s Institute and that any decision to be
made by the General Secretariat on these candidates will be considered the most
adequate one for institutional purposes.